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Hello, this blog solely dedicated to the purpose of posting learning materials, code for problems you generally face in the assignments and labs of that particular subject and to clarify the doubts posted by users to the extent possible. I may not be 100% right. Leave a comment or mail me if you find something wrong in the content posted on the blog, they will be checked and corrected.

There are many why I am starting this is I suffered a lot at first stage of learning a new language. Even simple problems or challenges seems big and difficult to achieve. I will be posting a summary of each topic in an of language mentioned below and some examples for that particular topic. Each language will have some exercises which include from simple programs to complicated not necessarily huge but what you would face in your exams or labs. We will start with C basic of all high-level languages and one of the easiest one (subject to your opinion). The textbooks that I learned from and which can be really helpful in learning process will be posted at start of the first post in each language or you can find it under reading materials

The following are subjects I intend to publish on this blog as of now
  • Database Management Systems
  • Java
  • Python
  • Android

                                                                           Thank you for visiting my Blog
